Three Weeks of Positivity
Make a Pledge to Gratitude, Joy and Passion Due to the COVID Pandemic, the annual Maggie Drew Peters’ Memorial Polar Plunge fundraiser is going virtual. We are asking participants to share images, videos, quotes, creations, … highlighting gratitude, joy, and passion. What are you thankful for? What brings you joy? What is your passion? What gets you through the hard times? We want to know what your passion is and urge you to take the passion plunge with us!
From Nov. 16- Dec. 8 post on social media using #passionplunge2020 so we can all support each other in focusing on positivity while raising money for local scholarships and suicide prevention.
Week One: Nov.16 - Nov. 22: Gratitude - Submit posts that express gratitude and positivity. Share posts to celebrate all your gratitude for things big and small.
Week Two: Nov. 23 - Nov. 29: Joy - Submit posts that celebrate joy. Share what brings you joy; How do you actively aspire to joy? How do you rise above and elevate yourself? Week Three: Nov. 30 - Dec. 8: Passion – Submit posts displaying your passions. What makes you feel most alive and appreciative of life – skiing the powder, playing the piano, climbing a mountain, visiting the grandkids, hanging with friends, creating...? Virtual Silent Auction: What is something positive you direct your energy toward? We are also inviting people and businesses to donate items that are expressions of their creativity, passion and commitment to positivity. These items will be auctioned off on Dec. 8 and proceeds will go to the Maggie Drew Peters’ Memorial Scholarship. If you have an item you want to auction, please send an email to [email protected] Click here to view the Auction. |
Donate: We ask people to show their support by donating to the Maggie Drew Peters' Scholarship supporting Rye High School seniors and/or donating to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. |
If you’re in crisis, there are options available to help you cope. You can also call the Lifeline at any time to speak to someone and get support. For confidential support available 24/7 for everyone in the United States, call 1-800-273-8255.